Monday, October 29, 2012


It's been a long time since I've posted! Have I been procrastinating? Well, yes and no.

This past weekend I worked very hard on this big teacher reflection project I'm doing, so that was five hours in the library on Saturday, and then I was in Murrietta all day on Sunday. I shared stuff I'd written and got feedback, and guess what? I still have work to do!

I'm glad to talk about procrastination though, because I know so many of you have a hard time getting started. I understand! I worked myself up into my big day at the library for several days before. Once I finally sat down and worked though, it felt really, really good. I got into that sort of trance you do when you're really get going at expressing your ideas and thoughts in response to some question, and I just wrote and wrote. When I got home I was done for the day, but felt so different - so satisfied! I slept super well Saturday night, too. It's no coincidence.

This video reminded me that sometimes I need to build up to focusing, however. On Saturday, I really wanted to work, so that helped. But often we have to show up - even as artists - when we don't want to, and that takes discipline.

For a week, make yourself stick to a schedule, and work for extended periods of time with no break. So maybe on day one, work for 20 minutes, take a five minute break, over a period of two hours. The next day, work for 1/2 hour at a time with five minute breaks, and go for up to three hours. The next day, work for 40 minutes, then a five minute break, and keep that up for three and half hours. See if you can stay at that level of concentration for the rest of the week.

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