Tuesday, April 14, 2015

History, Science, & Crash Course on Khanacademy.org!

Students! As we head into the final stretch, we turn our attention to history and science. In both of these, you will be bringing along your mad reading, writing and math skills, so make sure you pack those! Of course you will have your books, but there are other ways to do history and science. Decide, if you will, to become historians and scientists for the next couple of months!

History is not in the past; we live it every day. We MAKE it every day! We will be looking at all history through a lens of of representation and power. What were these like in Mohenjo Daro? Pre-Columbian-Spain? England in 1215? 2015 in Los Angeles?

In science, there is a lot in the news about the drought. Let's look at earth, life, and physical science through the lens of water! What is our water "footprint?" How is water used to make energy? What is our energy footprint? How do we measure? Where is ground water? What is desalination? How could we make "grey water" systems?

[Oh, before I end this, please, please, please, please, please ALWAYS bring a notebook to take notes for your appointments. Thank you! :^)]

Finalmente, big shout out to Rudy for discovering the presence of John and Hank Green's Crash Course on khanacademy. It's fun, it's solid, you will learn from these guys! In khanacademy.org, you can get to the CC History by going to Subjects, then Arts and Humanities, then History, then scroll to the bottom! You can get to CC Science by going to Subjects, then Science, then Biology, then scroll to the bottom. You can get to Crash Course by going to Subjects, then Partner Content, then Crash Course.

Here is the first in John Green's Crash Course History. (P.S. It's okay to binge watch these!)

    The Agricultural Revolution: In which John Green investigates the dawn of human civilization. John looks into how people gave up hunting and gathering to become agriculturalists, and how that change has influenced the world we live in today. Also, there are some jokes about cheeseburgers.

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